Thursday, December 16, 2010

Xenogears - Gathering of Stars in the Night Sky - take 2


Thursday, December 9, 2010

China's Take on Unnamed Giant Mecha

Not to be outdone by Japan’s famed giant Gundam statue, China has decided to copy the whole thing.The Gundam is reportedly being erected in a Sichuan theme park, and naturally enough is free from any sort of official blessing by Bandai.Just what it is made of and how long it will remain standing are matters of some...

Monday, November 29, 2010

Every Anime Opening Ever Made

Somebody has finally noticed that all anime openings are identical cut-and-pastes of the same elements ad nauseam, and gone so far as to compile a helpful meta-OP template video to prove it.The video:The creator’s explanation and the all important list of titles viewers will otherwise be struggling to identify:Music: Ayu’s Euro Mega-Mix...

Friday, November 12, 2010


Hollywood’s pending rape of Akira, set to be a PG-13 action flick set in New York, is rumoured to be casting actor Zac Efron, star of such dark and gritty classics as High School Musical, in the lead role of hooligan biker Kaneda.The rumoured casting decision in detail:Another rumor which is making the tracking board rounds...

Monday, September 27, 2010

Guitar Wall Project: Day 3 - update

Cleaned out the music shop on string swings again. I just need 2 more!!! [fixed!] Uhh... really bad phone cam image. I'll get a proper shot next time...

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Guitar Wall Project: Day 2

     All these delays... damn. Well I finally found some time and here's the as-finished-as it's-gonna-be-for-now wall.... only because the store ran out of string swings. This is what I managed to get from the music shop. 8 for now and I'll get 6 more when the order comes in. One swing on the wall. I measured the inside width...

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Guitar Wall Project: Day 1

     Well I got all the materials I needed short of the hangers and started the wall. I've made a major change to the project by omitting any rear paneling. Instead I'm just going to paint the area on my wall inside the black framing red. I'm hoping it comes out alright... I'm worried about the wall texture bugging...

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Balcony Farm Update

     This is just a quick update on the balcony farm. Peppers are ripening faster than I can eat em, meyer lemons coming along nicely, and basil, oregano, and rosemary...

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Guitar Wall Project: The Mock-up

     I'm excited to finally begin my guitar wall project after months of having to do other crap. Well I still have to do other crap but the more important stuff has been taken care of. I hope to be buying the materials starting this weekend and ordering string swings from eBay just as soon as I find a decent vendor...

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Gig: Real 6-String Guitar Analogues

An actual 6-string controller rock-band type game controller... Will be interesting to see the degree of difficulty. I foresee the the cost of real guitars going up and a flood of crap guitars from China. May force me to buy an xbox....

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Bioware & Funimation Announce Dragon Age Anime

Bioware and Funimation have announced they will be adapting the hit Dragon Age RPG franchise into an anime movie, due for DVD release in 2011.EA furnishes the usual glib press release peppered with vapid quotes – Bioware begins:“Anime is a great medium for us to continue the robust Dragon Age story. Partnering with FUNimation...

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Miyazaki: iPad Users “Nothing But Chronic Masturbators”

Hayao Miyazaki, of Studio Ghibli fame, has launched into one of his trademark rambling tirades against the ills of technology, likening “iWhatever” users to “chronic onanists.”The remarks came in the context of an interview with Miyazaki published in “Neppu,” an in-house Ghibli rag, which had been covering the iPad.Upon being...

Monday, July 12, 2010

Pallet into Snack Table

     So I was talking to the my bud and facilities manager at work one day and freaked out on him when somehow he mentioned that the company just threw away pallets from incoming shipments. I was like, "What the hell? That's mostly good lumber!" So I immediately claimed the next quarter pallet, not even thinking about what...