Sunday, June 27, 2010

Ramen Fu Episode 1: Coffee In My Ramen

     Hey folks, it's been a long time coming but I've finally decided to write about my misadventures in ramen experimentation. Yeah I cook other things but I usually end up using ramen noodles because I just can. This Section is meant for anyone who maybe wants to learn(along with myself) the many different things that are possible with this versatile, and most importantly cheap, every day product the American-Japanese marketing geniuses have provided us.

     So this particular experiment started out with me having some afternoon coffee. Relax, it was decaf and I just felt like having a cup of coffee. Now when I make coffee for myself, I don't feel that there's a point is using the pot. I'd just have to wash it later along with the cup. So I just skip a step and use the cup to brew straight in to. I'm usually good with measuring out exactly a cup plus evaporation but this time I added too much water for whatever reason and I swapped out the cup with another so I would't have a mess. To make a longer than necessary story shorter, I went and sat down to watch TV, finished my cup, and then realized I had my fix and didn't want more coffee. Life. But I was hungry. By the time I fanned away my brain smoke I decided to put it in  dinner!

     All great ideas start somewhere and coffee started this one. And yes, I know it's not that unusual for people to put coffee in food so no flaming, OK?

Coffee In My Ramen
1/2 cup coffee(fresh, no creamer or other crap mixed in)
3 cups water
frozen chicken breast fillet
ramen noodles(surprise!)
3/4 cup chenin blanc wine or other somewhat sweet white wine
1 tbsp minced onion - I used the dried stuff
1/2 tsp garlic salt - SALT not powder
2 tbsp lime juice(or 1 tbsp lemon)
1 tsp soy sauce
2 tsp corn oil
rosemary?? - will explain later
1 sq in parmesan cheese - for lack of better measure

Start out by putting your breast in 3 cups of water(haha. Deuce Bigalow flashback). Add your oil. Set the heat on max and wait till the water boils. This is meant to be a really quick prep so I didn't bother thawing.

Add your coffee and ramen noodles. Wait for the noodles to get re-hydrated.

Add everything else except the cheese and rosemary and turn down to med-high heat.
etc. etc.. look at ingredients list.

At this point I figured that I didn't want to be biting chunks out of the chicken while I was eating to I took it out and sliced it up. Plop the pieces back in right away, it's not cooked through yet.

Let the liquid cook off until things get a little thickened. The wine, lime juice, and even the soy sauce have sugar in them which acts as a thickener.
Now here's where it got interesting. Up to this point I still didn't know what kind of flavor I was looking for. All I knew was that I added too much lime juice and it overtook the other flavors. In my scramble for something to tone that down I went out back and cut 2 8in sprigs of rosemary. I added it hesitantly because now I'd be locking into an herbal/Itallian/Mediterranean flavor but I thought, eh, what the heck.

At this point the mix is pretty thick. Now is the time to add the cheese to make it even thicker. Again, easy prep - no grating for me. Notice block of cheese in center ---->>>

Let that melt until only about 1/4 of the block is gone then turn off the heat. Fold everything around constantly to make sure you get that cheese spread evenly.

And that's all there is to it. 15 minutes and throwing things in a pan(I used a wok)! 

***NOTE: I had 2 different plates - one that I used to cut the chicken and the serving plate. DON'T USE THE SAME PLATE!!! What you wanna die or something?

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Bokurano OP Theme: Chiaki Ishikawa - Uninstall

One of the better themes I've heard from an anime OP in a long time.

And here's a badass band cover!!!

Friday, June 18, 2010

SC2 BattleReport 4

Get hyped with me for Starcraft II with SC2 BattleReport:

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Aged Cohiba Siglo IV

     Hell, it's been a long time huh? I still pick up a stick every now and again, but I've been way too busy to hunt for new brands. I've just been sticking with my staples like this one. Now I've reviewed the CSIV before, but the difference with this one is that it has been aged for 3 years in my humidor. So here we go again:

     If you've read my other review, this is one of my cheap-enough-for-every-day smokes from JRC. Mind you that it's not a  true Cohiba, just a copy from JRC that is actually pretty damn close to the real deal in my opinion. The second I picked up this stick I gave it a sniff and it had a slight smell of, uh, cheesiness. There were very small traces of white speckles which are a good sign of a properly aged cigar. I can't describe the smell except for that it made my mouth water. The foot lit readily and very evenly as any humidity controlled cigar should. Right away there was a toasty, creamy, smooth aroma that just made me want to hang a bucket under my mouth. The taste was the same except, suprisingly, there was a bit of pepper to it, sort of like a Joya de Nicaragua. It took me completely off guard and I liked it. The aging seemed to have loosened the filler which allowed for any easy, but not too easy draw.

     No burn burn outs, no funny taste at random points of the stick, just an overall good smoke that makes you appreciate it's age. Though, having had these at various points of aging, I'd have to say that it peaks at about 2 years and further aging will not add much except loosen the filler more. 

4 out of 5

Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Drip System

     OK, I got sidetracked again. Though I did have this system setup with .5 gallon drippers, I decided to upgrade to a mini sprinkler system. See Below:

It works just like those old style spitting sprinklers with the spinning and everything. In the 6 ft. planter, I have a line of 3.

These are on a timer to come on twice a day for one minute each. In one minute the entire system so far uses about one gallon of water/fertilizer solution. Here's a closeup of a sprinkler head in action. Those white blurs are the water spray.

Each head has a knob on the side to adjust flow. I have mine set to half flow or less. At full flow they have about a 3.5 ft. diameter spray -- on my setup.

And speaking of my setup, here is the heart of the system - a five gallon bucket with a 330 GPH fountain pump. I went with a .5 in main line and of course, .25 in for the drip lines. That white thing hanging above is a programmable 14 setting timer with auto DST and battery backup for the clock.

The heart pumping away.

And that's it. But why adapt it for a pump and bucket system? Well first, I don't have a hose spigot on my balcony(thought that will change soon). Second, I like to be able to have exact control over the amount of water I use. Third, it's easier to measure out and mix the ferts right in the bucket and easier to keep track of. And that's the last unless I think of something else later.

Happy Farming!!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Decking Out My Balcony

     So Here I am starting another project when I'm not done with the dozen or so of the others. This time around you can't blame 100% on me. Blame the FedEx guys that delivered them to me crazy fast. And when I got these I had that sort of new toy syndrome where all your interest is suddenly diverted ADHD style.

     Deck tiles, if you're wondering, which no doubt you are, are the objects that I have here:

Again, I was so excited that I forgot to take a before pic, but you can easily see from above that my balcony was cobbled in with ugly, easily dirtied pavers. ...and so it will remain - under my spanking new shorea(wood) deck tiles, that is.

You can see below that these have a sort of hook and loop assembly. They just snap onto each other. At the top is my 6ft cedar planter. Be sure to take a look at how I made that in the woodworking section too.

I'm getting there -- I'm getting there...

Around the corner and...


Deck tiles are cheaper and movable compared to a standard deck. This is a great option for renters who want to be able to walk out in bare feet and still be able to take their deck with them when they move. 

Remember to get a bucket of wood sealer and protectant to keep the colors as vivid as the day you received them!

More shots:


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

An Evil Monkey for Your Entertainment

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Monday, June 7, 2010

Make Your Neighbors Think It's Drunken Family Night with Natal

     Microsoft's Project Natal turned a lot of heads when they're promotional video came out. "Oh my, what's that? It looks like wholesome family fun for everyone!" ... or so the actors portraying the perfect family and Microsoft would have you believe. Watch the official video below and be amazed... temporarily.

     The whole premise of the project is "controllerless" gaming. Users interact by moving their body, for example, if you were in an in-game fight you'd actually have to punch and kick so your avatar could take out the enemy in front of you. In the video below, a Parade Magazine employee gets probably way too into the whole thing, swatting, swimming, convulsing.

     What the heck would you think if you were outside watching your neighbors through the living room window? You know what I'd think? I'd think those guys must be pretty rich to have a living room that big... oh and to have a random crack party.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Getting Started with the Drip: part 1/2

     Alright, so now that I have things settled as settled as they're going to be I figure that I should properly put together my drip system. For the first try I decided to use the little 1/4" sprinkler heads. Also, I don't have the plumbing to hook directly into the water line I decided to use a 320 gph fountain pump hooked up to a timer. Usually these come with many fittings and chances are one of them will allow you to easily connect you 1/2" or 5/8" main line. I really do have to apologize for the lack of pictures at the moment. I just got so into it that I didn't think to take any I guess. I'll get em up in the next couple of days.

That dripper isn't hooked up to anything. It's just leftover from experimenting.

A closer shot of the sprinkler heads I used.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Studio 4°C to make THUNDERCATS ANIME!!!

Warner Brothers have announced that popular eighties cartoon ThunderCats is to be revived, and Japanese animation studio Studio 4°C has been tapped to animate the series.
Cartoon Network is set to air the series, and they are quick to cash in on the anime connection.
Sam Register, Cartoon Network’s Executive Vice President of Creative Affairs,was quoted as saying the series will be “Warner Bros. Animation’s first anime series,” conveniently forgetting that the original was also animated in Japan by Pacific Animation Corporation, which would go on to became Studio Ghibli.
Indeed, they lay it on quite thickly in their press releases:
Roaring to life through WBA and Studio4°C’s use of the Japanese animated artistry of anime, “ThunderCats” characters Lion-O, Mumm-Ra, Panthro, Cheetara and others will spring off the screen with realistic cat-like characteristics inconceivable in previous incarnations.
Studio 4°C already has strong ties with Warner Bros., as they are also working together on the anime adaptation of Halo.

From Hydro to.... Hydro?

It's true. Ever since my move to my new condo I've taken down the good old hydro setup that used to live by the closet. I've decided to use the space on my new balcony to grow... whatever it is I decide to grow. But in essence what I'm doing is still hydroponics. Instead of a recirculating nutrient reservoir I have a non-recycling drip system. In stead of pumice(what I was using in the hydro) I use a spongy potting mix. I'm not using any actual dirt but as you imagine it sure does act and pot up like dirt. *twinkling sounds* --So follow me on this new adventure through the trials, errors, success, and failures of my new container-bound mini farm!!-- <-- hint. go to the farm page -->

It's not that I officially quit hydro. I just literally have to get my stuff and furniture sorted out to see if I'd even have room to build a new setup. I don't even have a bed yet!!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Rapper Soulja Boy Rips-Off Deathnote

Chart topping rapper “Soulja Boy” has been accused of flagrantly ripping off the Death Note OST in one of his latest releases, imaginatively called “Death Note.”
He is but the latest in a series of minor American celebrities caught plagiarising the works of Japanese artists with the evidently misplaced hope that nobody will notice, a practice since termed “Simmonsing” in honour of its foremost and most shameless practicioner
The track in question, “Long Journey,” which listeners should be warned is exceptionally bad even by contemporary rap standards:
The track from the Death Note OST he is alleged to have flagrantly ripped off, the “Near Theme”:
Whilst liberally “sampling” the music of others is an accepted staple of hiphop, generally it does not extend to stealing entire songs, series names and even fonts, all without credit.
Presumably the rapper, a barely literate 19-year-old who came to fame through such sites as YouTube, thought nobody would notice. He has previously been sued for allegedly stealing the name “Soulja Boy” from another performer, and even amongst other rappers has been dismissed as “garbage.”
As the album in question is merely a freely released “mixtape” it may escape any legal sanction, but this hardly makes it any less ethically dubious.

Homemade Cedar Planter: part 2

I finally got around to getting some potting mix(60lbs) for the new planter but before I filled it, I needed to make some drainage holes. I just eyeballed 4 1 inch holes spaced evenly apart. Then I lined it with 20 mil pond liner to protect the wood.
And here’s the new planter in action!