Yep, this is just an update because there's nothing to update. I haven't been over to the local tabacalera lately due to yet another hobby I've been tending to. My food rating blog has a pretty good number of regular readers, well into the double digits with a few new hits each day. It's sort of funny about that blog actually. As soon as I put something up about hydroponics I got about 50 hits the first day from Canada. Of course I don't use hydroponics for what those crazy Canadians use it for *wink*. Isn't it legal over there? Anyway, you can see what they made a small commotion about on my food rating page. The link is on the left of the page somewhere. Sure I can grow tobbacco for cigars but the curing, aging, and other stuff takes years. Maybe one day when I'm a billionaire and I've got nothing else to do.
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