Over the last month or so my plants have been doing really well and that has motivated me enough to try and expand and other wise polish my existing system. Basically I'm going to do a rebuild to a slightly larger scale only keeping the light source and pump from the original system. I'm thinking of using one of those opaque rubbermaid containers for for storage from OSH.

I've seen homemade ebb & flow hydroponic systems using one of 2 of these stacked. One for the reservoir and one for the flood. I've also seen that configuration used for aeroponic systems. I think the use of 2 bins is a waste of space and money unless you're making 2 separate systems with each bin. Instead of stacking I want to find a nice fitting tray or tupperware of some sort that can go into the reservoir bin. I'll either secure that to the sides or glue it to the lid of the bin. That way I'd have a completely enclosed single bin ebb & flow system. Of course the flood tray has to bee deep enough to eventually support full root growth of whatever plants I stick in my system. I can just imagine a whole bin lid-full of spinach. I'd do tomatoes but I'm not motiveted when I actually hate raw tomatoes. I may get 1 plant so I can have some to cook with. I also hear that they take over wherever they are growing. Anyway back to the lid. I'll cut out anywhere from 8 - 12 holes for the net pots to drop into. I haven't actually bought a bin yet so I can't say exactly. It would basically have the same concept as the below picture, only bigger.

That kit is about 200 bucks! The first thing a person like me thinks is, "I can build that for below 50!". It would be even cheaper if I found a good sturdy syrofoam cooler. And the hole cutting would be way easier in a foam lid. Although I don't think I'd want to place those net pots that close together.
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